Dublin Startups List

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Meet 4 Project Management View everyone

ID 577438


@duke MBA, @texas undergrad, Operations executive @apple and @facebook, strong project mgmt/consulting experience. Focus on mobile, growth, and emerging markets

ID 853752

Sean Kirwan

Founder of www.guidedoc.co. Founded Denobi, Bang Ecommerce. Worked at eircom

ID 570848

Kate O'Daly

Founder and COO of Love & Robots, extensive experience in design, digital manufacturing and project management

ID 689656

Yasser Abu-Ghdaib

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);