Dublin Startups List

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Meet 13 Founder View everyone

ID 357173

Gavin Teehan


ID 68593

Tadhg O'Toole


Founder @likecharity,@tribal-vc • Investor @boxever, @cityhook, @pagefair, @propelad and others • @kfp (Class 18)

ID 154343

Jordi Garcia

Founder SportyCrowd, AreaBalonmano • Worked at @airbnb

ID 252311

Oliver Fegan

Founder of usherU and previously founder of Temptster, a No.1 selling app & Top 12 Start Up in the EU in 2013. Dragons Den Winner.

ID 564020

Sam Johnston

Worked at @Coogle, @equinix & @citrix • Founded various tech startups • Studied at @unsw • Lived in AU, US, IE, FR & CH

ID 62098

James Whelton

Entrepreneur, hacker, developer & future zombie apocalypse survivor. Forbes 30 under 30. Obj-C, Ruby, JS, Mischief. △

ID 425312

Ryan Nutley

Founder @pushstartr; Co-founder @reveal-2; Studied Comp Eng @trinity-college-dublin; Prev. lead developer; Product and data nerd; Hobbyist growth hacker

ID 740941

Greg Murphy

Startup Entrepreneur, Founded 2 Startups, 7 years experience as a Business Development & Marketing Lead. BA Media & Advertising, Diploma in Coaching. Explorer.

ID 856681

antoine cousot

Founder Natonn • Worked at @a-p-moller-maersk • Studied at @harvard-university, @open-university-london

ID 283590

Rory Byrne

Founder and CEO of Security First. Passionate about building security tools and methods to protect journalists, activists and aid workers.

ID 468019

Christoph Giffey

Founder at @borderguru . IT and business background. Worked at @siemens , @yahoo , @aol . MBA candidate at @manchester-business-school-mbs .

ID 93346

Ivan Marti

ID 586658

Elaine Reynolds

CEO Simteractive Ltd. • Game Designer @lionhead-studios • Programmer @ TT Games • BA Psychology (1.1) TCD • HDip Computer Science UCD • MSc Computer Games Tech.

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